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שאַפונג: 08/01/2014 01:34
דערהייַנטיקן: 23/02/2014 22:03
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: After completing the tutorial you have several options - 15/01/2014 23:21

Hemet Nesingwary appears next, to fill you in on how to deal with different types of minions, and how to effectively damage past them, as well as use hero abilities. He's followed by your epic final battle of this stage of the tutorial, where you're taking on Illidan Stormrage, and I have to show you the screen splash before the fight begins. Illidan, being the crafty beggar that he is, will really put your new-found knowledge through its paces, and all the while, Jaina will be there with helpful tips, like how you should focus your damage on Illidan, not on the minions. Given the splash above, I thought it might be one of those fights which you're just going to lose anyhow, regardless, and Illidan does seem to have quite the penchant for minions, as can be seen here, but I did eventually prevail, probably doing terribly badly world of warcraft gold, and still emerged victorious. After completing the tutorial you have several options. You can head back into Practice Mode to take on more AI characters and unlock more heroes, or you can dive into the deck builder and create custom decks for heroes you have already unlocked, to use in your AI matches. You can also head over to the store and pick up some Hearthstone card packs in return for either in-game gold or real money, with 2 packs starting from $2.99, 7 packs at $9.99, 15 packs at $19.99, or 40 packs at $49.99. There is a big banner to warn you that you are actually spending real money, and to inform players that all packs, gold, and arcane dust will be deleted from your account during a beta account wipe, and urging caution. Altogether, the initial tutorial was a great balance of providing information when you needed it, but not holding your hand. I'm waiting with bated breath to get back into the game and do some more AI matches in the practice mode and unlock more heroes to play with in the deck builder, and of course to tell you all about it! We here in the gold is very cheap!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: We in addition to hard work - 16/01/2014 22:58

In life, we in addition to hard work, study, make money and enjoy life, is the entertainment, playing games is one of them, but some people worry because of playing games, but before we do every thing first should understand it, the game is no exception. So do you think you can make a living from selling Wow Gold? It was the usual Friday night conversation that blokes who play computer games and hate their day jobs have. Although this one was not quite as ridiculous as who was the fittest chick on the Flintstones. Of course there were people doing very well from selling Gold in WoW - I'm not sure how they started but if you look at the many World of Warcraft gold sites you can tell that there's definitely money in it. There are acutely problems to this just like demography any career about-face - the a lot of axiological one in our case was the actuality that we were even added skint in Azeroth than in absolute activity - we had a atypical aptitude for "Not authoritative gold in WoW". That was acutely the capital hurdle to affected - as at our accepted aarise if I about-faceed vocations I'd be searching at a rather ample bacon cut - about 99.2 % in fact. It fabricated me anticipate admitting - apple of Warcraft is a huge circuitous bold abaft those animation cartoon. For anyone who has anytime placed an annual for auction in the baraccretion abode and aaccretion saw it relisted at four times the aarise you could acquaint that some humans were added than able of authoritative a active affairs WoW gold. Alas we were not - all these companies would accept to be absurdally able at acquireing gold to even about-face a modeaarise accumulation. able-bodied do you apperceive what - they are! There are abounding means these companies accomplish abundant gold to be able to accumulation humans on any absolutem with whatanytime they charge. abominably some of these are not actual nice - a admeasurement of them acquire gold from drudgeing humanss annuals. A favourite ambush is to powerakin a chump and get paid - aaccretion drudge into their annual and abduct all their gold at some point in the approaching. It's a actuality and why blast are so agog to catch down on the accomplished gold affairs in apple of Warcraft arena. abounding companies admitting absolutely do acreage their gold accurately and to do this they use some absurd systems.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: The lore of the setting - 19/01/2014 23:08

The lore of the setting often says some things that are ambiguous while also being fact. One example that comes to mind is the legacy of the Old Horde and the invasion of Azeroth. To my tauren, it's mostly just history of events that he never experienced. To my orc, it's the mistakes of his parents, crimes he's tired of having to hear about, things he never did or even saw that he still has to deal with. To my draenei, it's recent history, events he lived through that have scarred him and haunt him still. And to my worgen, it's what caused the closing off of Gilneas in the first place, and the Horde invasion that robbed him of his home has him convinced that Genn was right - they shouldn't have spared any of the orcs, shouldn't have housed them or fed them in the camps. To my worgen, the camps seem like misplaced mercy - to my orc, a haunting legacy of shame and defeat and mistreatment that enrages him every time he thinks about that time, of growing up penned up like cattle, of sneering human guards who treated him like an animal. These are two radically different perspectives. But for each character, they're true. When playing an orc, I imagined what it would be like to grow up in the Internment Camps, because remember, those were a going concern up until just before the Third War - Thrall and Orgrim Doomhammer liberated those camps during the events of Lord of the Clans. Almost all players who play an orc are playing one born during that period of captivity, and so, in one way or another the story of that character (if you actually care about that, which, since you're reading KYL I'm assuming you do) is the story of how she deals with that legacy, and moreover, with how it plays out around them.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: That link is just part of the discussion - 20/01/2014 23:11

From this humble beginning emerged a lengthy tweetversation (that link is just part of the discussion; it branched out into a few side conversations as well) involving several top theorycrafters. It even led one of them, Arielle (a WoW blogger, podcaster and all-around guardian druid PvE expert), to write a blog entry that is an absolute must-read for anyone considering a try at theorycrafting. The key, Arielle notes, is to remember that we've all gotta start somewhere. For him, his walk down that road began with a single question that nobody else had answered: When the pre-Cataclysm patch hit, Swipe was doing basically no damage. It was actually causing some pretty significant problems for Bear tanks (including myself) that were still dallying around in ICC. I looked around the on the forums, and didn't see anything that would explain why this had started happening. Since nobody else appeared to be doing anything, I took it upon myself to do some digging. Back then I didn't do any sort of empirical evidence gathering – or turn out to be right even – I did dig deep enough to get a response from a Blizzard CM. That got me noticed by a couple people. ... I had gotten a taste of what it felt like to be recognized.....and to be honest I liked it. Over the rest of his blog entry, Arielle walks through some of the most important fundamental rules of the road to remember if you decide to give theorycrafting a go, which I'll take some liberties and paraphrase here: Study what others in your area of interest have done. Take the time to research the basics. Don't be afraid to experiment. (Keep track of everything you do.) Care enough about your work to confirm it's accurate. Reach out to other theorycrafters for help. Every step along the way, be courteous, polite and professional. We here in the gold is very cheap!